Jubilee of Consecrated Life
The Jubilee of Consecrated Life is an event of extraordinary importance within the Jubilee of Mercy, proclaimed by Pope Francis in 2015. This special moment is dedicated to religious brothers, sisters, and consecrated individuals around the world who have chosen to dedicate their lives to God through vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
During the Jubilee of Consecrated Life, a series of celebrations, meetings, and prayer times are organized, offering religious individuals the opportunity to renew their vows and deepen their relationship with God and the Church. Reflections are made on the beauty and challenges of consecrated life in the modern world and the importance of evangelical witness in society is emphasized.
This event is also an occasion to celebrate the valuable contribution of consecrated life to the mission of the Church and the promotion of the Kingdom of God. The sacrificial spirit and commitment of religious individuals to serve the least, the poor, and the marginalized, and to witness the values of the Gospel with their lives, are recognized.
The Jubilee of Consecrated Life testifies to the Church’s commitment to support and encourage religious individuals on their journey of holiness and service. Through this event, the Church invites all believers to thank and pray for religious individuals, recognizing their special vocation and offering them support and gratitude.